We work to ensure fixed-line (broadband) and mobile markets are competitive through regulation of wholesale telecommunication services and our monitoring of how the retail market is performing.
We work to ensure broadband and mobile markets are competitive through regulation of wholesale telecommunications services and our monitoring of how the retail market is performing.
These updates provide an overview of the telecommunications work we do.
Here you will find telecommunications projects we are currently working on and those we have completed.
The world of telecommunications can be complex. Our consumer advice is designed to provide you with information to help you make informed purchasing decisions, enter into a fair contract with your provider, ensure you receive accurate and understandable bills, and provide advice about where to turn if things go wrong.
As a telecommunications provider, you must make an application if you wish to be supplied services from Chorus.
As a telecommunications provider (or a future telecommunications provider), you must make an application to be added to the register of eligible persons if you wish to be able to vote on certain draft telecommunications access codes.
Under the Telecommunications Act, some services that telecommunications firms provide to each other are regulated to help promote competition in the market for the benefit of consumers. The Commission is responsible for determining the terms of supply for these services.
As part of our regulatory role, we actively monitor telecommunications markets and produce reports on how they are performing and developing.
The telecommunications industry makes financial contributions to the Government through a compulsory levy. This funding is used to improve New Zealand's telecommunications infrastructure and provide certain services such as assistance for the deaf and hearing or speech impaired.
The Commerce Commission is requiring mobile network operators to make it easier for Kiwi consumers to compare coverage between providers, and to exit without penalty if they run into coverage problems. Read more 15 Aug 2024
The Commerce Commission’s latest Annual Telecommunications Monitoring Report released today highlights an increasingly competitive broadband market in rural New Zealand – illustrated by a new interactive map revealing detailed coverage and connection information. Read more 25 Jun 2024
The Commerce Commission has released its latest broadband monitoring report which shows, for the first time, performance results for Spark’s 5G wireless broadband service. Read more 22 Apr 2024