Beaufort County 2023 Real Property Reassessment Program
South Carolina's Constitution requires that property be taxed equitably. When similar properties in the same taxing district are taxed differently because conditions have changed over a long period of time, the system becomes unequal. Because of this, South Carolina law requires counties to reassess real property every five years.
- Only real property is reassessed.
- Values of personal property such as cars, boats and motorcycles are kept current through annual updates by the Department of Revenue.
An important role of the Beaufort County Assessor's Office is to establish fair market value for all real property in Beaufort County, which helps to ensure that the property tax burden is shared fairly and equally. To this end, the Assessor's Office is responsible for conducting the countywide reassessment of all real property once every five years as prescribed by State law.
In performance of its duties, the Assessor's Office has three main goals:
- To achieve accuracy in property tax assessments. The Assessor's Office appraises all property at 100% of fair market value, which enables property owners to evaluate the accuracy and fairness of their assessments in a straightforward manner. If assessments differed significantly from market values, property owners would have difficulty comprehending and determining the fairness of their assessments.
- To achieve equity in the property valuation process. The Assessor's Office sees that all properties are assessed in a similar manner.
- To achieve fairness in property tax distribution. The Assessor's Office ensures that property owners' share of the total property tax in Beaufort County is the same as their share of the total value of their property.
For questions regarding Beaufort County's reassessment program or for questions regarding your assessed property value, please contact the Beaufort County Assessor at 843-255-2400.