If you are an active member of ACERA and you are injured or ill severely enough to force you to stop working, and if it is permanent, you may apply for Disability Retirement. The Board of Retirement will determine whether you are capable of substantially performing the duties of your position. If the Board determines you are eligible, you will be granted a disability retirement benefit.
If you are an active member of ACERA and you are injured or ill severely enough to force you to stop working, and if it is permanent, you may apply for Disability Retirement. The Board of Retirement will determine whether you are capable of substantially performing the duties of your position. If the Board determines you are eligible, you will be granted a disability retirement benefit.
The information contained in this section is not intended to be all inclusive. The statements in this guide are general in nature and are written to be as understandable as possible while remaining accurate. The retirement law is very complex, and if conflict arises, any decision will be based on the law and not on the text from this website. No statement in the ACERA Disability Retirement Overview section is considered a legally binding interpretation, enlargement, or amendment of the provisions contained in the County Employees’ Retirement Law of 1937 (‘37 Act) or ACERA Bylaws.
For more information about Disability Retirement download the PDFs below.
Disability retirement eligibility requires the following:
There are two possible disability retirements:
Your first step in the disability retirement process is submitting a Disability Retirement Inquiry. You should go through the form if you think you’re ready to apply for disability retirement, or even if you have questions about whether you’re eligible to apply.
Once you submit the Disability Retirement Inquiry, you will automatically receive an email with next steps and a link to the Disability Retirement Application.
ACERA serves as the administrator of your Application process and of the disability retirement allowance, should it be granted. The ACERA Disability Unit is within our Benefits Department and employs Retirement Specialists, who will facilitate your Application process by providing you with the Application, conducting an intake counseling session, following up with the Medical Advisor (M.A.), the Employer, and the Board, and ensuring the administrative process moves in accordance with applicable law, ACERA Disability Unit policy, and the ACERA Disability Retirement Procedures.
To achieve the goal of submitting a completed Disability Retirement Application, you must carefully read and respond to all questions in the Disability Application. Full instructions are in the Application. Listed below are the areas of information needed for the completion of your Application.
Your Application is considered complete when you also include the following documents:
Attention to detail and thoroughness with your document submissions are of high importance. An incomplete or altered Application will not be accepted and will be returned to you in its entirety. This can result in a delay in processing your Application.
Fax your application and documents to 510-268-9574.
Mail your application and documents to:
ACERA, Disability Unit
475 14th Street, Suite 1000
Oakland, California 94612
ACERA’s Disability Unit will confirm acceptance of your application by letter. If an application is incomplete or not eligible for acceptance, you will also be notified by letter and how to resubmit. Intake counseling appointments will only be scheduled for accepted applications, offered by phone and Zoom video appointments. Disability Unit Retirement Specialist’s will assist member’s throughout the application process.
During counseling, the following critical topics will be reviewed:
When complete, staff will prepare your Disability Packet and send it to your Employer for review and Comment Paper submission. You will receive the same Packet and opportunity to comment. See Step 5.
Information will be sought from your Employer about your job Duties, injury/illness, and other pertinent data. We may need a Pre-Employment Examination Report, Agency/Department Statement Form, Occupational Injury/Illness reports, and Medical records. Your Employer must submit the Statement to us within thirty (30) days of receiving the request.
Your ACERA benefits are sponsored by your Employer. Therefore, your Employer is a Party to your case and has an interest in whether or not your disability benefit is granted.
The Disability Packet contains the Completed Application, supporting documentation, and related information, as well as a calculation of your qualifying years of service. It is sent to you and to your Employer for review.
Once the Disability Packet is received by you and your Employer, a Comment Paper may be submitted to the Disability Unit outlining your respective positions on the Completed Application. Possible Comment Paper topics from your Employer may include their assessment of your incapacity, a request for more information, or that the M.A. examine certain documents more closely. Possible Comment Paper topics from you may include a letter expressing your views on the Disability Packet or your current health status.
Comment Papers must be submitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Disability Packet. They will be marked and become a part of the Disability Packet. Please notify the Disability Unit in writing or by email, if you decide not to submit a Comment Paper.
During your Employer review period, your Employer may refer you for an Independent Medical Evaluation (I.M.E.). The Employer may also choose the health care professional who conducts the I.M.E. It is at no cost to you.
Next, the D.U sends the Disability Packet, any Comment Papers, and any I.M.E. reports to the Medical Advisor (M.A.) for analysis and recommendation. The M.A. is an unbiased independent consultant, who reviews the file and provides a written Report and Recommendation to ACERA’s Board of Retirement to grant or deny the Application within 45 business days of receiving the file.
Disability Process
The M.A. Report and Recommendation addresses whether you are
If you are recommended for disability, the M.A. Report also addresses whether you will be required to undergo annual medical
The M.A. may request additional documents/information from the D.U and make referrals for your examination by an I.M.E. An extension of time for the M.A. Report and Recommendation is triggered by a consultation referral or requests for information.
Within ten (10) days of receipt of the M.A. written Report and Recommendation (Report), the Disability Unit will send a copy of the M.A. Report to all Parties, along with a Request for Hearing Form.
The case can go in one of two directions at this point in your Application process as stated below:
If your case is contested or the M.A. does not recommend a disability benefit, you may choose to have your case heard before a Hearing Officer. Your Employer may request a Hearing, as well, if they do not agree with the M.A. recommendation.
If any Party desires that their case be heard before a Hearing Officer they must request it within fourteen (14) days of service of the
M.A. Report and Recommendation. If you or another Party desires a Hearing, fill out the Request for Hearing Form. The request must be signed by the Party requesting the Hearing.
The H.O. conducts a Hearing when the M.A. Recommendation on an Application is disputed and a Hearing is requested. Hearing Officers are obtained from a panel of an independent arbitration system, such as the American Arbitration Association. The H.O. must be a current member of the State Bar of California whose name is contained on ACERA’s approved Hearing Officer panel.
This Notice is sent by the Disability Unit and identifies the next assigned Hearing Officer in rotation. Parties have ten (10) days, from service of the Notice, to challenge the named Hearing Officer in writing. If a Party exercises a challenge, the next Hearing Officer in the rotation shall be assigned the case. The other Party will have ten (10) days from the service of the Notice to challenge the H.O. in writing.
You may withdraw your Application at any time. However, if you do so after you are assigned a Hearing Officer, you withdraw with Prejudice. This precludes you from filing a future Application based on the same injury/illness.
You may withdraw your Application without prejudice prior to an H.O. assignment. An Application withdrawn without prejudice is treated as though it was never submitted. A subsequent Application, including resubmission of the withdrawn Application, is considered a new Application and must meet all requirements, including timely filing requirements.
Once selection of a Hearing Officer is final, the ACERA Office of Chief Counsel offers all Parties the option of three Hearing dates
within ninety (90) days. Once selected, the Hearing date is dubbed the “Original Hearing Date.” The ACERA Chief Counsel issues a Notice of Original Hearing Date to the Parties and the Hearing Officer stating the time and place of the Hearing. ACERA arranges for a stenographic reporter and interpreter, if needed, and use of a Hearing room.
Hearings are held at ACERA’s offices. The Hearing Officer must hold a Hearing within ninety (90) days from the date of their final selection, except when the ACERA Office of Chief Counsel authorizes a delayed Hearing date. Without this authorization, the appointment of the Hearing Officer is vacated and a new Hearing Officer is appointed.
The Hearing Officer has sixty (60) days from the Original Hearing Date to receive all of the evidence, both testimonial and documentary, to complete the Hearing (including any closing arguments and final briefing), and to close the record.
The Hearing Officer will send a written report to the Disability Unit summarizing the evidence, findings of fact, and making a recommendation to the Board within forty-five (45) days after the Hearing is concluded and the record is closed. The document is called the Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommended Decisions and complies with the legal requirements of a civil administrative decision. The Disability Unit provides all Parties with a copy, once received at ACERA.
Any Party objecting to a Hearing Officer’s recommendation has ten (10) days after service of the Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommended Decisions to submit written objections to the Disability Unit The Disability Unit will send any objections to all Parties and provide a courtesy copy to the Hearing Officer. All Parties have five (5) days to respond, in writing, to objections, which will be incorporated into the record for consideration by the Board.
ACERA’s Chief Counsel has sole discretion to return the matter back to the Hearing Officer for consideration of the objections and modification to the Proposed Findings and of Fact and Recommended Decisions prior to the Board Consideration Date.
If you do not submit your request for Hearing to the Disability Unit within the 14-day limit, the Disability Unit will place the matter on the calendar for the next available Board meeting, with at least fifteen (15) days notice to all Parties of the Board Consideration Date. The Disability Packet and all subsequent documentation will be submitted to the Board for consideration, along with an Administrative Report.
Before your Completed Application, including a copy of all the M.A. Recommendations and any Hearing Officer Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommended Decisions, is sent to the Board for a decision, the Disability Unit reviews the file and prepares a written report to the Board addressing the following matters:
If all Parties are in agreement with the M.A. Recommendation for granting your disability retirement, your case will be included on the Board Agenda as a consent item. Consent items are normal business items that are grouped together and approved as one, including service retirements and death benefit payments. They are not addressed individually during the Board meeting. However, if a Board member or the Employer chooses to address your case, it will be postponed to the following month so it can be added as a regular agenda item.
All Parties receive notice for the Board Consideration Date, regardless of a Hearing. ACERA presents your Disability Packet to the Board on the date noticed to all Parties. The Board may immediately vote and take action or request that any Party, ACERA staff, and/or the M.A. respond to questions.
Any Party or their counsel may ask to orally present to the Board on this date and the Board has sole discretion to grant this request. Oral presentations are limited to ten (10) minutes and any other Party can immediately orally respond, but must do so within a five (5) minute time limit. Additional time for oral presentation or response is also in the Board’s discretion. New evidence or witness testimony will not be heard or received by the Board on this date.
Each decision is based on all admissible evidence presented to the Board, including but not limited to the M.A. Recommendation and Hearing Officer Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommended Decisions. The Disability Unit’s written administrative report alone is not deemed evidence by the Board.
After presentations, including consent calendar cases, the Board may take any of the following actions on your Application:
The Disability Unit notifies the Parties and their representatives of the Board’s decision within ten (10) days of the Board Consideration Date. The Notice of Board Decision includes the decision, the date the decision was rendered, and notice of the right to judicial review. The Notice of Board Decision is sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Disability Process
Your granted disability retirement can be Service Connected or Non- Service Connected and the calculations depend on the particulars of your case.
When you retire for Service Connected Disability, you will receive a lifetime retirement allowance payable in monthly installments, equal to one-half (50%) of your final average salary. Or, if qualified for a service retirement, you will receive your service retirement allowance, if it is greater. Your benefit amount will not exceed the limitation set forth by applicable law. Generally, each Reciprocal System calculates its respective obligations based upon your service with that entity and each adjusts its payment on a pro rata basis. No retirement system or political entity is liable for more than its just financial obligation. Your combined reciprocal benefit will not be higher than it would have been were all service credit earned in one system.
A Non-Service Disability Retirement benefit is typically one-third (1/3) of your final average salary. However, this amount could be higher or lower depending on your age and service credit.
COLA is equally applied to disability retirement grantees and regular service retirees.
Any Party may obtain review of the Board’s decision in a court of law by filing a Petition for Writ of Mandate (Petition) with the Superior Court of Alameda County (Superior Court) no later than the ninetieth (90th) day following the date the Board’s decision is finalized. An extension will be granted if you request the record within ten (10) days of the decision.
A copy of any Petition filed must be served on all Parties and the ACERA Office of Chief Counsel.
The process of seeking judicial review through a petition is a complex legal proceeding and it is beyond the scope of this website section or the Handbook. However, ACERA recommends that you seek the advice of an attorney. Please note that strict deadlines apply to petitions, so you must act promptly to avoid waiving valuable rights.
If the Board determines you are entitled to a Non-Service Connected Disability retirement, you may accept a Non-Service Connected Disability retirement benefit while you are pursuing a rehearing or judicial review concerning your right to Service Connected Disability retirement. If later determined that you are entitled to a Service Connected Disability retirement, appropriate adjustments will be made to your retirement allowance retroactive to the Effective Date.
The Board may require you to undergo annual reviews and medical examinations, at ACERA’s expense, if you are under age 55 and granted a disability retirement. You will be required to complete a Continuing Disability Questionnaire Form, as part of this review. These examinations and records are reviewed by the M.A. who makes a recommendation to the Board regarding whether you remain permanently incapacitated for the performance of duty. The Board will determine if you are unable to perform the usual Duties of the position you held when your disability retirement was granted.
Your retirement allowance will be cancelled, if, over a period of one year, you refuse to submit to a medical examination, supply
requested information, or provide requested release forms.