P.O. Box 72, Melbourne, FL 32902-0072
(321) 952-0820
(877) 383-2777 Tollfree
The Florida Association of Professional Process Servers (FAPPS) is an organization of professionals who are authorized under the laws of Florida to Serve Process. The term “Serve” which translates to deliver “Process” which is any type of formal court document addressed to a particular named person or entity directing them to perform or refrain from doing a certain action.
Process Servers are Read more
SB1062 Service of Process passed in 2022 and became effective January 2, 2023. This bill has many changes involving service on business entities. We invite you to register for an education class to learn more about the changes.
FAPPS Education Program offers classes for both New Process Servers and Continuing Education. FAPPS Members are also able to attend to earn their AFPS Designation. FAPPS is the exclusive training provider in the 15th and 19th Judicial Circuits. Our course is approved in the 9th, 10th, 15th, 19th and 20th Judicial Circuits. See our Class Schedule for more details.
FAPPS holds Quarterly Meetings which include an Annual Convention and a Professional Beach Getaway. These are excellent opportunities for members to attend to learn more about FAPPS and network with fellow process servers. Prospective members are welcome too! Click here for additional details.
For over 40 years FAPPS has been committed to continually monitoring all legislation that may have an impact on service of process in the state of Florida.
FAPPS, working with our lobbyist and legislators, have been instrumental in getting numerous bills passed that have had a significant impact on the service of process, to include but not limited to:
More specific information can be found about each bill on our Legislative Page.
FAPPS is proud to partner with Secure Document Trading, Inc. to bring our members an efficient, safe, and secure way to forward documents and data electronically without the need for email or other unsecure transport methods. Data and Documents are encrypted using SSL at each point of transfer.