Mastering Employee Transfer Letters: 12 Essential Tips & Letter Format Template

Business people exchanging document

Employee transfer letters are given to employees who are being relocated to a different branch, department or location of their employer. The reason for these letters is more than professional courtesy: transfer letters supply both employee and employer with the “ground rules” of the transfer. We’ve outlined some best practices for writing an employee transfer letter below. Additionally, if you have been assigned an international relocation, check out our page on best practices for writing a global assignment letter of understanding.

What Is the Purpose of A Transfer Letter?

Transfer letters are central to successful employee relocations. Among the goals of these documents are the following:

Whether the transfer is employer-generated or a mutual agreement between employer and employee, the transfer letter offers physical evidence of the move from one department or location to another.

Employee Transfer Letter Checklist

Consider the following items as a template from which to create appropriate transfer letters. Be sure to include:

  1. The employee’s full name and current address, with accurate contact information
  2. Reason for the transfer
  3. Name of the department or location from which the employee is transferring
  4. Name of the department or location to which the individual is moving
  5. The exact effective date the transfer will take place
  6. The official start date in the new location, if the date is different from the effective date of the transfer
  7. The name of the new supervisor to whom the transferee will report
  8. The creation or issue date of the transfer letter
  9. The details of the position in the new location, including any bonuses the employee is to receive as a result of the transfer

Also remember to:

  1. Use a standard letter or memo format, whichever is consistent with previous transfer letters issued by the employer
  2. Closely proofread the letter to ensure accuracy
  3. Ensure the letter or memo has the original signature of the appropriate person authorizing the transfer

If there is a change in title or responsibilities, details about those changes may be described. Additionally, changes in titles and duties should be documented for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file. The letter should refer to the company’s relocation policy and summarize the portions of the policy that are applicable to the employee. It’s important to adhere to the company employee transfer letter format for consistency and clarity in communication. This letter should be formal, as it forms the basis for the employees legal contract.

Clarity is vital to transfer letters. They should be straightforward to avoid misunderstandings or confusion regarding the transfer.

How Should You Format an Employee Transfer Letter?

Having trouble drafting your own employee transfer letter? Check out a basic example below. A few tips for building a transfer letter:

Transfer Letter Template

Employee Transfer Letter FAQs

What are common reasons for an employee transfer?

Employee transfers can be initiated based on career development opportunities, or workforce adjustments. They can also be approved after a direct transfer request from an employee.

Why do you need an employee transfer letter?

An employee transfer letter provides clarity for both the employee and the employer on key elements such as salary, benefits, title changes, and the like. It is official documentation that outlines expectations moving forward between the two parties.

What are the benefits of an employee transfer?

Employee transfers can foster team collaboration, improve employee morale, increase efficiency, meet key skills gaps, and develop talent.

About the Author

Heather Hudnall, CRP, GMS

Senior Vice President, Global Operations

A strategic and adventurous leader with a keen eye for industry insights, fresh concepts and creative solutions – Heather leads a robust team caring for many of CapRelo’s largest clients, both domestic and globally. Because the current environment dema…

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