How do I renew my PA concealed carry permit?

To renew your PA concealed carry permit, you must submit a renewal application to the sheriff’s office in the county where you reside, along with the required fee and documentation of completion of a firearms safety course within the past five years.

How long does it take to renew a PA concealed carry permit?

The renewal process can take up to 45 days from the date the sheriff’s office receives your completed application.

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Can I renew my PA concealed carry permit online?

No, you must submit a paper renewal application to the sheriff’s office in person or by mail.

What is the cost to renew a PA concealed carry permit?

The renewal fee is $30 for a period of five years.

Do I need to complete a firearms safety course to renew my permit?

Yes, you must provide documentation of having completed a firearms safety course within the past five years.

Can I renew my PA concealed carry permit if it has expired?

Yes, you can still renew your permit if it has expired, as long as it has not been expired for over 60 months.

What documents do I need to submit with my renewal application?

You will need to provide a copy of your current PA concealed carry permit, proof of completion of a firearms safety course, and the renewal fee.

Can I appeal a denial of my renewal application?

Yes, you have the right to appeal a denial of your renewal application within 30 days of receiving notice of the denial.

Is there a grace period for renewing my PA concealed carry permit?

No, there is no grace period for renewing your permit, so it is important to submit your renewal application before it expires.

Can I carry a concealed weapon while my renewal application is pending?

You may continue to carry a concealed weapon with your expired permit while your renewal application is pending, as long as you submitted it before the expiration date.

What happens if I fail to renew my PA concealed carry permit before it expires?

If you fail to renew your permit before it expires, it will be considered invalid, and you will no longer be allowed to carry a concealed weapon.

Can my renewal application be denied for any reason?

Your renewal application can be denied if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements for a concealed carry permit, such as legal issues or changes in residency.

Can I renew my permit if I have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?

It is unlikely that you will be able to renew your permit if you have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, as these are disqualifying factors.

Do I need to undergo a background check for my renewal application?

Yes, you will be required to undergo a background check as part of the renewal process.

Can I renew my PA concealed carry permit if I have a protection from abuse (PFA) order against me?

If you have a PFA order against you, it is unlikely that you will be able to renew your permit, as this is a disqualifying factor.

Can I renew my PA concealed carry permit if I have been involuntarily committed for mental health treatment?

If you have been involuntarily committed for mental health treatment, it is unlikely that you will be able to renew your permit, as this is a disqualifying factor.

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About Robert Carlson

Robert has over 15 years in Law Enforcement, with the past eight years as a senior firearms instructor for the largest police department in the South Eastern United States. Specializing in Active Shooters, Counter-Ambush, Low-light, and Patrol Rifles, he has trained thousands of Law Enforcement Officers in firearms.

A U.S Air Force combat veteran with over 25 years of service specialized in small arms and tactics training. He is the owner of Brave Defender Training Group LLC, providing advanced firearms and tactical training.